Friday, September 5, 2008

3 Powerful Ab Exercises That You Are Not Doing

I can't believe that I got to hang out in Vegas with some of the biggest names in the fitness industry!

That was the first time that I have been to Vegas and I must admit that it was pretty wild.

I even got to workout with a couple guys and see what they are made of. luckily for you, I brought my camera to capture it all (by the way, we almost got kicked out of the hotel gym for it).

I was taking to my new friend Nathan Hopkins and he showed me his unique training style called the 3x method.

The 3x method simply means that all it takes is these 3 movements, for 3 minutes just 3 times a week, to get the body you've always wanted.

You must watch Nathan's Vegas workout below:

Effective Workout Routine Using Only 3 Movements

3 Powerful Ab Exercises That You Are Not Doing

This program is perfect for busy men who just don't have the time to commit to longer workouts. Make sure to check it out

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