Sunday, October 3, 2010

Constipation May Lead to Other Problems

(HealthDay News) -- A very private health problem, it turns out, is associated with potentially significant and costly complications.

In a review of the scientific evidence, researchers found that constipation might lead to or boost the risk for more serious complications such as hemorrhoids, anal fissures, fecal incontinence, colonic conditions and urologic disorders.

Dr. Nicholas J. Talley, chairman of internal medicine at Mayo Clinic Jacksonville, said that few people appreciate the seriousness of constipation because symptoms can vary greatly, from mild to severe.

"Most people have mild intermittent symptoms, and they should not worry, although some do become excessively concerned," said Talley, who is also a professor of medicine and epidemiology at Mayo's College of Medicine. "Others suffer in silence, because it's embarrassing to talk about your bowels." Read more...

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