Friday, August 20, 2010

Vitamin C puts the brakes on cancer cell growth

A half century ago, Linus Pauling began his pioneering research into how vitamin C impacts health ( Now, almost 25 years after Pauling's death, a new study backs up his contention that vitamin C has remarkable healing and protective benefits. In fact, now scientists have discovered how vitamin C may put the brakes on the growth of cancer cells.

Margreet Vissers, associate professor at the University of Otago's Free Radical Research Group in New Zealand, headed the study which was just published in the journal Cancer Research. "Our results offer a promising and simple intervention to help in our fight against cancer, at the level of both prevention and cure," Dr.Vissers said in a statement to the press.

She pointed out that the role of vitamin C in cancer treatment has been debated for years, with many anecdotal accounts claiming vitamin C can help in both the prevention and treatment of cancer. In earlier studies conducted by Dr. Vissers, she demonstrated the vitamin's importance in keeping cells healthy. And these findings suggested that vitamin C might be able to limit diseases such as cancer that involve cells that go haywire. In the case of a malignancy, for example, cells have unregulated growth. Read more...

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